More coming soon!


Saturday, 6 January 2018.


Hi friends,

Happy New Year!!

I’m back from a wonderful ten-day trip to England with my son. We loved every minute, even the three missed flights, delays and the 40h which took us to get back to Helsinki.

It was very, very special to meet and spend time with beloved people, friends, cousins, CT2…

During the trip, Joey decided that my cheeks are very round and its muscles strong. Haha. He teased me every day about them, “Mom, you are so cute!” pinching them and smiling at me. Believe it or not, that was one of the highlights of our trip. Isn’t it wonderful when your 16-year-old likes to hang out with you?

We had a great time! Especially in Windsor, Sandhurst, Greenwich and Hammersmith. 🙂



(Anna in Windsor)



(Joey on Westminster Bridge)


Today is my first day back home. Joey is out at a sleepover and I’ve taken the whole day to be silent. No music, no TV, no people or phones until 9 p.m.

I’ve been reflecting about who I am, how I’ve changed, who I aspire to be.

Still the same – hopefully a good person – happy, energetic, affectionate, etc. But calmer, more content, stronger and more trusting than ever.

No New Year’s resolutions, but good plans already put into action: sports, healthy foods, healthy thoughts…

Being present and caring with others.

Reading more classics.

Watching all the Star Wars movies with my son – I have never, can you believe it?

Treating myself as my best friend would.

Doing more of the things that I love and want to do.

Investing in a better future version of myself, even as I grow older on the outside. May inner beauty grow – may the ugly parts of our selves get smaller.

Believing and dreaming on! There is a time for everything. So, no more sadness, no fear, no despair. Life is good!

Finishing the book about Anna’s 2016 in love. Now I know how to go about it… so expect new chapters every week. 🙂


Dear friends, enjoy 2018. Be happy!





Author: TinderellaAnna

Anna is a character. Half-fictional, half-inspired in many, many true events. Half-European, half-Latin-American. She is happy, she is strong, she is a mom, a teacher, a friend. Despite the divorce - not of her choice - she is determined to be joyful, grateful, hopeful, sweet; believing that life is for sharing and that he is somewhere out there. But he will have to be as lovable as she is. After all, better alone than in bad company. Sigh: but better in good company than alone... Disclaimer: All names and places have been changed to protect the people who happen to be true.

3 thoughts on “More coming soon!”

    1. I have read it and reeeealllly appreciate your support and compliments. Wow. I’m sure more people will find me in this way.

      I just noticed that in the beginning of your post you wrote “Anna from”
      – there is a mistake in my web address there. It should be:

      Could you please correct that? 🙂

      And if possible, if you edit/put the questions I answered in BOLD (negrito), it makes the reading experience easier; more pleasant to read the answers.

      I loved it!!

      After I finish writing my book, I’m going to use my blog to share different things and themes, including your amazing blog, for sure.

      Happy New Year, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

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