silent fall

today I found out
that I will be missing someone
missing someone’s soul
missing words that will never be spoken
(on nights that will never exist again)
not even the dream of them.

missing a touch that will never happen
(and never lead to a love I will never know)
missing a thousand embraces
(dissipated into the wind like soft seedlings)
missing every single kiss from the first to the last
(that were never meant to be stolen)

missing a million laughs
…a billion smiles
…a trillion grins
…and infinite memories
(that will never be created)

I felt like crying today ~

until I remembered
that I won’t be missing someone at all

they live in my heart, now and forever
and the peace that brings me
is like a thousand embraces
a lifetime of stolen kisses
a million laughs
a billion smiles
a trillion grins
and an infinity of memories.

ⓒ 2017. khp. all rights reserved.

Chapter 21B – What Women Really Want?


Tuesday, 21 February 2017.


Flashforwarded To Their First Anniversary



Dearest Diary,

I’m at my beloved cottage in Central Finland, and it’s time to be vulnerable.


Remember when I wrote about my opinion on gifts (29 December 2015)?

OK, I’ll give you the whoooole truth. Beyond practical gifts………….


You wanna know what I really, really want?

Oh, darling…!


I want you to give me socks – I do!

And a wild flower.

A jar with stones from a beach we visit, a little note, or a snowball on my head. A drawing on a napkin.

I want hugs for no reason. Lots of them. Firm – like you want to grab me.

And hot kisses – touches.


Anna is sobbing noisily. It is bittersweet to remember! It hurts so much to miss him.

It sucks to be alone here now!

She can barely see the laptop screen as she pours her soul onto the keyboard.

But OK, OK, keep tryping –  cryping  – Oh, typos! Dry your tears, Anna. Here we go: t – y – p – i – n – g.

There. Typing.


I want a handwritten card with words that you really mean. Connection and chemistry – gosh, that goes without saying.

I’ll re-read your cards a thousand times – more dear than gold to me!

Take me to KFC, my favorite junk food joint? And always wear a nice shirt for our dates if  you want me weak at the knees.


I want eyes caressing my body and trying to pierce my very soul, while music whose lyrics you intended for me to hear is playing in the background.

A romantic get-away in nature. Like here.

Gentlemanly little favors. Helpfulness!

I am a strong and capable woman, but I want to feel my fragile and feminine side when I’m with you. I want to feel like I’m pocket-size!


I like it when you want us to play board games and… Don’t let me win! I like a challenge.

Invite me to dance, even if we suck?

Let’s play a little beach volley together at Hietaranta, just to make me as excited as a child – up for it?? Try it!

Send me pictures of anything that belongs to your normal life. Selfies, please?

🎼 Detalhes tão pequenos de nós dois…
Oh, think about me and miss me, like I miss you!

I want you to listen to me while I read you something deep; to watch movies and series together, asking why I’m crying as we eat creative ice cream mixes I’ve come up with. Skin on skin. Mmmmmm.

Hot sex. Multiple O.

Cara a cara, beijo a beijo.

Tell me when I’m wrong – you can even tease me about it.

I miss someone to fight with. God! Can you believe it?


My patience is real, but don’t let it fool you: I can be quite demanding. Let’s expect nothing but the best we can give each other at any given point and time – don’t you think?


Oh, also…

I want you to try to write me poetry, the result perhaps being really bad (but you presenting it to me anyway). What really matters are your intentions, the emotions shared, your honest attempt. Your actions, bravery, our interactions!

Would you tell a good friend about me?


Small surprises. Yes. A surprise visit. Why don’t you? Call me from the airport.😏 Or from outside my door!



…I desire your confusion, your excitement, a little fear of loss.

Long, brisk walks and talks for you to tell me what you are really thinking.

What are you going through, my love? Your doubts, your dreams, your longings, your hurt, your fears. Even your BS! Any addictions? Give me your tears.

Give me your jokes, your smiles. Make me laugh. What do you yearn for, what makes you excited, what can I do to make your world stop for a moment in time?

Not all the time. Give me space!

Scarcity and distance inflate desire, so there’s a limit – let’s not go clingy.


Above all, I crave for your true self and the spontaneity of your being. Don’t do everything I want. Of course not. O mundo não gira em minha volta. Everything’s not about me.

I’m just a part. What can we do for others? How could we contribute in helping suffering humanity together?


Experience special moments with me, will you querido? Another first. And tell me hopeful things, from time to time? 🐦 Gosh, I need that!

Always awesome when you can be bothered. I’ll take it!

Give me carinho in a variety of small ways. Make it count. Send me lots of emojis with your messages? Don’t be sparing.


What if I tell you the aforementioned is all based in real life events?


It really happened guys. I just miss it. Every day I do.

My son hates it when I say women are more emotional than men. OK. Maybe it’s not about gender, but about your personality. Are you emotional, too?

Alright. I’ll wrap it up now.



Let’s choose each other.

I’m challenging you. Solve your problems! And be aware that I’m independent – I won’t need you to survive…


Just to be much, much happier than I already am. And life more beautiful. Meaningful. Really full.


I know what longsuffering is – I can take it. I’m tough. I need to focus on my life, too, right now. But then someday…

…Someday when I’m ready, I’ll want your very best for me. Just like I ache to give you mine. We have the know-how.  It was great. We’ve tried it.


There’s a time for everything under the sun – sure – but life is for living, not just for sacrificing everything.

YOLO. One life, don’t forget.

A few more breaths and we could suddenly be dead.

There’s an impending time for turning tables. For being happy and having someone to share that with. For daring to dream and to pursue your goals.

Oh, how I hunger to live a simple life!


Many things are not under our control, but we should do our foremost about the things that are. Expect and accept. And await for the best.

I’m fine alone, but if you turn out to be the One, you’ll have the power to make it a hell of a ride, you see?


…I’ve admitted it – there you go.

That’s why it’s hard to please me with gifts…!


What I prefer is the hard stuff: I want you to really care and to show that you do, both in words and in action. Looking into my eyes.

I like your vulnerable and your self-confident sides equally… Thus, I’m asking for the sincerity of your heart, your truth, the abundant affection, the generous spirit, the earnest loyalty and the courage it will take you to find yourself, be your deepest most genuine self and live it all out.

With me, who else?

Forget the price tag.


And the phone starts ringing.


© 2017 rf


P.S. Gato, what gifts do you want?


Getting to Know Tinderela!

I am very honored for the privilege of being interviewed by my blogger-friend from Please check his amazing blog out and read the interview here.

Happy Reads!


The Chronicles of a Happy Divorcée

Today in Getting to Know You we’re meeting  Anna from Anna is an amazing writer from Finland. Her book is half fictional, and half based on true events. She’s a strong woman, happy and Joyful. I like her blog very much. She has been blogging since september 2017. Let’s give Anna our support, and a follow.

Name/Blog name:

Anna Springs-Virtanen (pseudonym)

Country currently living In:



What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?

Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, of course! (Lidl’s banana ice cream B&J imitation, with dark chocolate and walnuts was even better, but I never seem to find it anymore).

What is your favourite method of travelling?

In Finland by car – in good company.

Abroad, by plane – Finland is in the end of the world, after all. Nothing better to travel by plane to meet up with loved ones…

View original post 1,553 more words

Blogger Recognition Award

Blogging, Blogger Recognition Award

Thank you Kym Gordon Moore for nominating me to the Blogger Recognition Award. S2. I invite everyone to go visit her blog. She began writing it in 2009 as a way to nurture and expand her credits and, like me, as a form of therapy.

AnnaTinderella began writing this book in January 2017. The reason she’s turned her Draft Zero into a blog, even before the book is ready, is to have interaction accountability with her readers – thus more motivation during the creative process. It has really been worth it, she thinks!


If you are new to blogging, I would give you these two tips:

  1. Read and follow other blogs to learn from other writers and the experiences they share.
  2. Feel what you are writing and do it with all your heart. Then, re-read, edit and post. Just do it. You can make improvements later.


I am nominating the following bloggers for the Blogger Recognition Award:











Here are a few simple things to do in order to participate in this award:

1. Show your gratitude to the person who nominated you and provide a link back to the person’s blog.
2. Give a brief story on your blog.
3. Share two or more pieces of advice for beginner bloggers.
4. Choose 10 other bloggers to nominate.
5. Comment on each blog by letting them know they’ve been nominated and provide a link to your award post.

My sincere thanks once again to Kym for her gracious nomination that I am delighted to accept. Take care!







JC nominated me for the Liebster award! Thank you, sister! S2 Appreciated! Xx

Check out her blog: 👉 She writes inspiring texts about faith, life purpose, languages, etc.

The Liebster award was created to recognize new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere.




Here are my answers to the questions JC has asked me.

1. Describe yourself in one word.


2. What do you do during your spare time?

Play volleyball, write, jog, meet friends, travel, draw, photograph, feel!

3. What is your dream destination for vacation?


4. What is your favorite food?


5. What are the Top 5 things you are grateful for this year 2017?

My teens, extended family, health, friends, Mr. One (wherever he is).

6. Why do you blog?

To pour out my soul and hopefully touch people’s hearts in the process. It’s therapeutic.

7. What do you do before going to sleep?

I thank God for life and ask his blessings upon everyone, especially those who are suffering and need it the most.

8. What time do you wake up in the morning? And first thing you do?

At 6. Press snooze. 🙂

9. What pet do you have?

My son has a dog (JB – and I love him!). And… I fed a stray cat every day in Spain last summer. S2

10. How do you think you can contribute to the society?

By being present in the here and now, wherever I am. By making people feel seen, visible and loved. By giving them a helping hand, not being self-centered or selfish, but aware of needs around me. By small acts of kindness many times a day – such as saying Good Morning, Good Night, holding the door for people who are passing by, being corteous. By trying hard to understand and respect people and also make myself and my needs understood. By volunteering to social causes. By making my pupils feel valued, encouraging them. Having fun, thought-provoking lessons. Having a strong personality!

By forgiving. Sigh. And not losing hope and faith. And love, above all.

It all starts with the small things in daily life. Not the big dreams for the future. Don’t you agree?


Here are the rules of being nominated:

1. Create a new post and thank the person who nominated you!

2. Link their blog and include award graphic.

3. Answer the questions provided.

4. Make a new set of 10 questions and nominate 10 recently followed bloggers and share your post with them so they know they are nominated.


I now proudly nominate:












Please answer these questions for me (I’d really like to know!!). And have a wonderful weekend, dear friends! 🙂 Stay strong! Xx

Obs. I just watched The Notebook and cried my soul out. Thus, the quality of the questions below.

  1. Who are you, deep deep down? Who do you aspire to be?
  2. What are your hopes and dreams? Some concrete goals…
  3. If you could hug anybody right now, and spend a wonderful week with them, who would it be? (You need not say the person’s name. Just tell us about him/her).
  4. If you could really make one person’s life better this December, whose would it be?
  5. If you could date/marry a fictitious character (from a book, movie or cartoon), who would it be, and why?
  6. What do you want people to feel and say about you at your funeral?
  7. You are at your deathbed, what are you proud of having done in life?
  8. Whose face is the one you picture, sitting at your deathbed by your side, missing you, kissing you, even before you go?
  9. If you didn’t have to go to work every day, how would you be investing your time?
  10. What is LOVE?

Chapter 64 – Chinder Date #15

This blog is a book. Maybe better to read from the beginning? 🙂


Saturday, 20 February 2016.


日 62


Only one day to go, and Anna’s going to meet the intriguing Englishman Christian – can’t believe it! I just hope he’s as nice live as online… 🤞🤞

One more pre-booked date to attend, however. The last one before witty Chris.


After twenty-two hours awake the previous day, our main character wakes up tired, but feeling very excited with life indeed. Almost as if it were spring!

Anna has a cup of coffee, takes a nice long shower, puts on a cute outfit with light make up, and goes to Faro by the Ruoholahti Canal for her coffee with her first Chinese date ever.


Chun Ah Ah is already there waiting for her when she arrives the usual five minutes late. He stands up, mighty elegant at 42, like Mulan’s warrior teacher in the Disney movie.

Wow! This guy is something else.

Chun Ah Ah has a presence about him. Tall, about 180? Strong jet-black hair that has recently been cut. Clean-shaven and very well-dressed: a smart shirt, smart pants, smart shoes, an impressive watch – ticking, ticking – and an overcoat. Handsome, he’s the spitting image of what Asian discipline must look like.

As strong as a reproductive bull. As impressive as a dragon!



They were only supposed to have a coffee, but after three hours of chatting non-stop, Chun Ah Ah looks at his watch.

“Anna, time has flown! It’s so easy to talk to you.” he smiles charmingly.

“Oh, thank you. Likewise.” she corresponds.

“I see that it is already 14:30, so I won’t be cooking anymore. Would you have lunch with me? Across the square? My treat!”

“Oh, that would be nice! Yes.” she answers happily, suddenly craving for pizza.


They walk over to Dacca Pizzeria, and it looks as though Chun’s suddenly feeling more relaxed. He pulls a chair for her to sit down, and sits across from her by the window facing the canal. They order and he leans comfortably forward with his forearms against the table.

He folds his shirt up to the elbows and opens the upper button by his collar.

He smiles, flirting intensely now.

They discuss his previous relationship with a Finnish woman. No. They never got round to having kids and…

Anna tells him about her marriage and her wonderful teenagers. How great being a mom has always felt.


Their pizzas arrive. His has chili peppers, arugula and extra meat. Hers is a closed calzone with ham, shrimp, oregano and extra mozzarela. Yummy – so moist! And she likes this guy. Mmm.


Suddenly, he drops his fork, looking really serious. His eyes almost look big. He holds up two fingers in the air and looks like someone who means business.

Intense, mysterious.

“Anna. My mother is already 82 years old and of weak health. She doesn’t have any grandchildren and she’s concerned about me being alone.”


“Some women are young and still end up having no kids. Other women are forty-five and can still have babies…

“…How do I know if the woman I choose to marry will be able to give me any little ones? I’m a succesful engineer and I want to build a family.”

“Well…” Anna automatically looks down at her right arm that extends as if holding a newborn.

His voice becomes more urgent.

“Anna, in the next three years I need to (1) get married, and (2) have at least two babies,” he says holding up those two fingers again. ✌️

“Chun, ah…” her left arm raises in the previous manner. Her gaze switches to her left arm, as if in slow-motion.


“I need to take a wife and ✌️babies back to my mother in China before she dies.

“And I can’t wait much longer. It’s quite hard to get good matches and nice dates, you know…”

“Ah…” she looks down at her bosom and imagines having two Chinese babies of her own sucking voraciously at her nipples in 2018.

“So, what do you say?” and the vision of a short, very cute, chubby Chinese old lady smiling with satisfaction at her from across the table seems to materialize. Everything is happening so fast!


Later, Anna hears that the name Chun means ‘born in the spring’ and Ah means ‘little one’.

That explains it!

Chun Ah Ah!


Waa, waa. May his destiny turn out to include the two waa, waas!


© 2017 rf



Obs. Day 62 with imagined Chinese babies in my loving arms and a very happy mother-in-law in tow.



(Hey, You Guys!)

This blog is a book. Maybe better to read from the beginning? 🙂


Timeless, maybe.


Sidenotes To The Guys


My book has been called female-oriented. I don’t think I agree. I guess it depends on who you are and what you’re looking to find when you read me. Hopefully, you’re finding something worthwhile.

In my experience, many men are as sensitive – or even more – than the average woman. Romantic, meek, adorable – strong and wonderfully manly, at the same time.

Some men I know (and some new stranger-friends) are reading these chronicles and sending me comments – giving me all kinds of thought and emotion-provoking feedback. I really, really appreciate it, guys.

Thank you for your valuable input, your time and interest, your intelligence and depth. Thank you for letting our souls touch a little bit, as our journeys cross paths. The world should have more beings like you. I’m lucky to have if just a fraction – you’re heroes, and you make a difference! Like you can’t imagine.

But that was not what I intended for this chapter. This parenthesis.



Hey, you guys (as in Goonies)!

This book is not a How-to-Find-a-Lady-Online, nor a How-To-Understand-a-Tinderella kind of book. Nonetheless, if you’re attentive, you will capture some indirect tips in my writings. Dating, food for thought, some thoughts on being a decent human being…

Well, it all comes down to this.

Be human, yes, be flawed and powerfully vulnerable – by all means. Be yourself, but seek to become the best version of yourself – even if just one tiny step at a time. We won’t respect ourselves otherwise. I hear that progress equals happiness, and I agree.

(What’s our alternative? Growing older and sadder with time? A downhill trip to the grave? I’m pretty sure that’s not how it’s meant to be).

Try. Succeed. Stumble and fall. Err and then dust off, chin up and repeat. A small step, but a small step in the right direction. It piles up and amounts to much. Get help, if needed.

(I often need help. Hugs + talking are the best kind!)


Whether you’re single and happy to stay so, or longing for a partner and all the love in the world. Whether you’re happily married, or in the process of deciding to divorce.

I’m sure that whatever the case, you want to feel alive, very ALIVE!

Vulnerable, yet mighty. Responsible, but true. You want to be gentle and loved and respected. And wild!

You want to be needed, missed and admired – to hug her and make her laugh, make her life happier and lighter (whoever the word ‘her’ represents here).

You thrive in having something to offer and living a purpose-filled life. And you have lots to give. We need each other.

Be true, be true, be true, darling. “To thine own self be true.” Go through the process, but get there, don’t give in. I believe in you.

If you were suddenly in your deathbed, would you say, “I wish I had lived a life true to myself – not the life that others expected of me. I wish I had expressed my feelings, and I wish I had allowed myself to be happier.”?

If not, you’re doing great. Yay!


And to those of you in hopes of finding a special gal (the same works for keeping her, I guess).

If you’re not ready for dating, don’t do it. Wait a little. Work on yourself. But when you’re ready…

Go for it 100%!

I can’t promise you the lady you like will like you back, but I can promise you this:

Women like attitude (without the arrogance). Women respond to self-confidence and self-respect. Remember to respect them, too.

Women like guys who are wise and cool and brave. Decisive. They know what they want and dare to try. Men who have the courage to give their best, put in the effort and risk rejection – even if it hurts. (Aren’t guys supposed to love adventure and uncertainty? Hunting? Battlefields? Conquering? A quest, a fair fight with dignity, any way??)

You don’t have to be James Bond, but when you decide to go dating/to keep the lady, don’t just be yourself – but your best!

Don’t do anything half-heartedly, with meager efforts, out of fear. Yuk!

You need time? Ask for it. Communicate.

It doesn’t matter if you’re super skinny or short, super fat or old or whatever. Kind of poor? I don’t care.

Have goals, be working on your goals. Going somewhere. Be affectionate – romantic sometimes. Don’t be mean. I think what she really cares about is the fact that you try hard – even though what you really want is to succeed.

Put on a great new-looking smart shirt or a casual outfit, wash your hair, trim your beard, back straight, smile! Treat her with respect and admiration. Listen to her a little more than you talk yourself. Care! Look into her eyes – practice eye contact. Be a perfect gentleman. Well-mannered, at least.

But dare to hold her hands in the second part of the date. To kiss her good-bye. Text her back soon! The world is quick nowadays, and if you dormir no ponto, if you give it too much time… If she’s really special – uh-oh!

Read her body language and watch out for the signs. Is she touching her hair as she looks at you? Leaning her head? Retouching her lip gloss? Is she touching your arm lightly? Is her smile genuine? Does she think you’re funny? Can you sense if you’re being smart and interesting in her eyes?


And what if you don’t like her? That’s OK, too. Others will. Just like there will be a person who will like you. Your unique self.

Change the game, but be a gentleman anyway. Don’t be a jerk – thank her for a lovely evening. Wish her good luck!

Leave your best impression wherever you go – be it a yes or a friendly no – and she’ll respect you for it. You’ll respect yourself. And that’s powerful!

(I respect all the times Mr. Ex was a good man. All the times he was true and vulnerable, a decent guy. The moments when he was his best. I’ll remember. And most of all, I respect him for not wasting any more of my time and daring to ask for a divorce. For finally making up his mind. Thank you, Pedro.)

If you’re not for each other, at least you did your part and treated her with dignity. Why would you regret that?

But don’t give her half-efforts, excuses or laziness, BS. You deserve to leave a better impression than that.

Your statement, your signature.

That’s just one girl’s very humble opinion. And I’m as fallible as you.




(And my real name to others).

© 2017 rf



Obs. Today I received this cute message. Here it goes for you, too:


Life is as passing as pain.

As beautiful as love.

As simple as me.

As important as you.

Therefore fight, forgive, love, conquer and enjoy every second of it.

If you have to choose between being happy or being important, choose being happy,

Because important you already are! 😊